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All marketers want more budget, but how do we turn that desire into a reality? By proving value. This blog explores four ways that can help you prove value and make your business case for more marketing budget.
Apply what you have learned. The past couple years taught us many new things, especially with the pandemic looming largely over most of it. How did your marketing efforts adjust without trade shows and in-person events & travel? Did you see an increase in website traffic? A better return on your digital marketing tactics? Or did your team struggle to create ways to engage without the “usual” more traditional marketing efforts? Taking this information to inform your 2022 strategy is important as we all realize a new normal that has brought some challenges, but also some newfound tactics that might work for the future.
Plan smart. Show management that your strategy feeds directly to company goals and objectives. Utilize marketing tactics that can benefit more than one department – therefore showing extended value. Demonstrate how marketing can align to sales with an understanding of how marketing content feeds the buyer’s journey and helps keep leads warm during our often, very long sales cycles. And always give yourself some contingency – both in planning and budget forecasting for the, almost always, shifts we see during the year in marketing emphasis.
Optimize current efforts. Reviewing your digital marketing analytics, including the performance of your website, over the past year can help you determine what to continue and what isn’t worth your time . Consider content that has worked well and how you can further leverage it by giving it new legs. Can you turn that one piece of content into multiple assets? Can you potentially merge like concepts to create a larger piece of content that is more valuable and therefore you can gate and grow your subscriber base? These insights can help make your 2022 strategy even more valuable.
New ideas . . . yes please! Find ways to bring forward new, fresh ideas that get your team excited. You can do this by studying competition, looking at what’s working in marketing outside of your industry by subscribing to top marketing blogs and news, tapping into your marketing agency partner and collaborating with other departments at your business to see what else they may need that you can both benefit from.
Have you started your 2022 strategic marketing plan yet? Reach out if you need help or are looking to validate your aerospace marketing plan. We can help!